
IHHT Training

What if you could help your body regain new energy and feel completely revitalized? Imagine a method that regenerates your cells, boosts your energy, and at the same time provides deep relaxation. The solution is IHHT training – a fascinating technique based on innovative science that gives your well-being a noticeable boost.

IHHT Training

More vitality through targeted oxygen management

What is IHHT?
IHHT stands for Interval Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Therapy, an innovative method for regenerating and renewing mitochondria. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells, responsible for producing the energy needed for all metabolic processes in the body. A healthy mitochondrial function is essential for physical and mental performance, as well as overall well-being. However, external factors such as stress, lack of exercise, illnesses, and ageing can damage mitochondria, reducing the body's efficiency. This can lead to exhaustion, accelerate ageing processes, and increase the risk of lifestyle-related diseases.

How does IHHT work?
During the treatment, the patient breathes through a mask, alternating between oxygen-poor air (hypoxia) and oxygen-rich air (hyperoxia). This process mimics altitude training conditions but without physical exertion, making the experience completely relaxing. At the beginning of the session, a hypoxia test is performed to adjust oxygen levels individually. Throughout the treatment, oxygen saturation and heart rate are continuously monitored to ensure safety and effectiveness. Each session takes place in a comfortable, reclining position and lasts approximately 45 minutes.

The benefits of IHHT
IHHT is particularly recommended for people suffering from chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, Long Covid, and chronic diseases. It is also beneficial for athletes looking to enhance their performance and those aiming to optimize fat metabolism. Scientific studies have shown that IHHT can improve blood circulation, increase vascular elasticity, and enhance stress resilience. Additionally, it has been observed to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine, the happiness hormones.

IHHT is a simple and non-invasive method that helps regenerate cells, strengthen the entire body, and enhance overall well-being.

Experience this innovative therapy at the Beauty & Treatment Spa Ninfea and discover firsthand how the power of oxygen can boost your energy levels and make you feel revitalized! 

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